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Privacy Policy


We collect certain personal information from you such as your name, contact details, email address your credit card details (if provided) and your pet's information. This information is required for us to provide product and services to you. We may also collect other personal information that you provide to us on company surveys or marketing competitions. We use this information to improve our services and products. Our surveys are strictly confidential. We will remove your name from such lists if you ask us to do so. We take reasonable steps to ensure your personal information is kept confidential, secure, and protected from unauthorised access or use.

Access to personal information

In accordance with the Privacy Act, you can access personal information about you held by us, and advise us if you believe it is inaccurate, incomplete, or out of date. You can request access to the personal information that we hold by writing to the Privacy Officer,support@discountpetcare.com


if you suspect that your privacy has been breached, please contact our Privacy Officer at support@discountpetcare.com We also collect non-personally identifiable aggregate information to improve our performance, services and products. This may include visited domain names and web pages and browser software being used. We collect this information in such a way that it is not able to linked back to any individual.

Quality of information collected

With reference to our General Terms and Conditions, it is your responsibility to ensure that your personal information is up to date by notifying us of any changes to the details we hold about you. However, we will take all reasonable steps to make sure that the personal information we collect use or disclose is accurate, complete and up-to-date. We do require you to verify certain personal information for any account inquiry. DiscountPetCare.com will take reasonable steps, having regard to the nature of the information collected, to ensure that information collected in relation to a user

  • to the extent that it comprises business records or details in relation to a particular individual, can be checked by a user.
  • is accurate, and if necessary, kept up to date.
  • if inaccurate, is erased or rectified
  • is erased at the request of the user and when no longer reasonably required.

DiscountPetCare.com will use details relating to a user only for

  • The DiscountPetCare.com's internal marketing, billing or other purposes necessary for the provision of the service, or
  • purposes made known to the user prior to the time the details are collected, or
  • other purposes with the prior consent of the user.

DiscountPetCare.com will

  • keep confidential the personal details and information of or relating to each user and will respect the privacy of user's personal communications;
  • take adequate steps to ensure the confidentiality of personal details and information;
  • not sell or exchange the personal details or information of a user without the user's express prior consent, other than to another person in the course of the sale of DiscountPetCare.com’s or part of it as a going concern;
  • refrain from intentionally examining or tampering with a user's personal details or information without the express prior consent of the user except to the extent required by a properly qualified officer for the maintenance of system security or data integrity;
  • treat email as private content whether in transit or in storage.

DiscountPetCare.com will not collect personal, family or residency information from any user who they know or might reasonably suspect to be under the age of 18 years without the express consent of one of the user's parents or a guardian. This provision does not prevent the recording of an anonymous but identified (by login name or cookie) user's preferred services or use history.


A cookie is a small file and holds a certain amount of data. As you browse DiscountPetCare.com, our partner companies and online ad networks we work with may install anonymous cookies on your computer, and use other similar technologies, in order to understand your preferences based on your online activities, and thus, reframe ads relevant to you. Read our cookie policy here.

Security Measures

We use current technologies and maintain security standards to ensure that your personal information is protected against unauthorized access, disclosure, inappropriate alteration or misuse. All safety and security measures are also appropriate to the sensitivity level of your information. Electronic client files are kept in a secured environment with restricted access.

  • Paper-based files are stored in restricted access areas.

We manage our server environment appropriately and our firewall infrastructure is strictly adhered to. Our security practices are reviewed periodically and we employ current technologies to assist us in protecting the confidentiality and privacy of your information.

  • We protect your personal information using the most up to date Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology which encrypts the information you provide us when checking out.

To Unsubscribe from DiscountPetCare.com’s email Newsletter, simply login to your account and change your preferences so that you no longer receive our newsletter or email us at support@discountpetcare.com with a Subject line “Unsubscribe”.

DiscountPetCare.com reserves the right to modify or amend this policy at any time.

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