Dorwest Tree Barks Powder is a specifically formulated digestive supplement for dogs and cats that helps in regulating bowel movement and normal stools. This powdered supplement is packed with a blend of three ingredients- Slippery elm bark, Marshmallow root, and White poplar bark. The formula as a whole helps in maintaining stool consistency, coats the gut assists in gut transit and keeps the tummy comfortable and regulates bowel movement.
It is formed in fine fluffy powder that becomes wet and gooey like marshmallows in the digestive tract. The supplement coats and smoothens the stomach, slows down the food passage and helps maintain nutrient absorption. This digestive powder helps in treating both long and short-term digestive problems. Dorwest Tree Bark Powder is suitable for weaning kittens and puppies as well as dogs and cats of all age groups.
Finely powdered slippery elm bark (50%), marshmallow root (40%) and white poplar bark (10%)