Advocate for cats, is a monthly spot-on treatment with anthelmintic and parasitic contents that protects cats by preventing and controlling fleas, biting lice, ear mites, gastrointestinal worms, heartworms and sarcoptic mange. Highly effective flea treatment, Advocate kills adult fleas within 12 hours of topical treatment. It also attacks larvae and kills them to prevent re-infestation.
Pets treated with Advocate also affect the parasites found on other pets and in the surroundings and prevents re-infestation. Apply it on a monthly basis to destroy intestinal worms including roundworm, whipworm, and hookworm. Quite gentle on the skin it treats all breeds of kittens and adult cats.
It is an ideal treatment for cats suffering from mixed parasitic infections. A gentle and effective treatment for reducing Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD), Advocate also protects felines against heartworm infections. Used periodically at every month, it cures, controls and prevents parasite born diseases in cats and kittens.
Dosage Chart:
Weight of the feline |
Pipette size |
Volume |
Imidacloprid (mg/kg) |
Moxidectin (mg/kg) |
<=4 kg |
Advocate Spot-On 40 for small cats |
0.4 |
Min 10 |
Min 1 |
>4 – 8 Kg |
Advocate Spot On 80 for cats |
0.8 |
10 – 20 |
1 - 2 |
>8 kg |
Combination of pipettes |
Rated 4.7/5 based on 89 ratings
An effective treatment for cats.
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One of the best treatments ever.
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Must-have treatment for all cat parents.
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It ensures the well-being of my feline.
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I love to offer Advantage Multi to my cat.
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